Thursday, July 11, 2024
#decoracion #mobiliario #ideas #diseño

Tips on how to create a vertical garden in your new home without dying in the attempt

Create a vertical garden at home with suitable plants and proper location Avoid common mistakes, water carefully, and maintain it to enjoy a green and fresh environment

Hello to all decoration and interior design lovers! Today on our real estate agency's blog, we bring you a super interesting and very trending topic: how to create a vertical garden in your new home without dying in the attempt.

Vertical gardens have become an increasingly popular option for decorating and bringing life to our spaces, as they do not require much space and can completely transform the appearance of a room. Additionally, they help purify the air and create a cooler and more relaxing atmosphere at home.

But, how can you create a vertical garden without making mistakes that could ruin all your effort? Don't worry! Here are some tips and recommendations for you to successfully carry out this project:

1. Choose the right location: Before starting to assemble your vertical garden, it is important to choose a place that receives the necessary amount of light for the plants you plan to use. Shade plants, for example, need less light than those that require direct sunlight. You should also ensure there is a water source nearby to easily water your plants.

2. Choose suitable plants: Not all plants are suitable for a vertical garden. It is important to choose species that adapt well to this type of cultivation, such as ferns, succulents, spider plants, or hydroponic crops. You should also consider the size of the plants so that they do not grow too much and block each other.

3. Prepare the structure: Before placing the plants, you must assemble the structure of the vertical garden. You can opt for a felt panel, a recycled pallet, a wall planter, or even create your own structure with wood and hooks.

4. Water carefully: One of the most common mistakes when having a vertical garden is overwatering. It is important to regulate the amount of water the plants receive to prevent them from rotting. If you use an automatic irrigation system, make sure it is well calibrated for the needs of your plants.

5. Constant maintenance: Like any other plant, those in a vertical garden require regular care to stay healthy and beautiful. You must be attentive to possible pests, prune the plants when necessary, and fertilize them occasionally.

And there you have it! With these tips and recommendations, you can create a vertical garden in your new home without dying in the attempt. Dare to bring your walls to life and enjoy a greener and fresher atmosphere in your home! Will you give it a try? Let us know how it goes in the comments! Until next time!